The brothers come to know what has happened and try to humiliate Rama's mother to get her to reveal where her son is hiding. She is saved in time by her son who almost kills the brothers. The wives of the brothers stop him from killing them and ask him to save Nandini, who has upon hearing the torturous acts of her brothers, resorted to self-destruction, with them embracing. Rama rushes back to save his wife in which he succeeds. The movie ends with Nandini's recovery.
An Accessible Visual Narrative for the Primary Energy Source of Life from the Fulldome Show Birth of Planet Earth, 1st Place Winner, SC'19 Viz. Showcase Chromatophore VR demo (VMD + Unreal Game Engine) shown in NVIDIA booth at SC'16 Example VMD VR/3-D YouTube videos Chemical Visualization of Human Pathogens: the Retroviral Capsids, Finalist, SC'15 Viz. Showcase Visualization of Energy Conversion Processes in a Light Harvesting Organelle at Atomic Detail, 1st Place Winner, SC'14 Viz. Showcase VMD movie gallery on YouTube Gallery of Posters, Images, and Movies made with VMD VMD running in the NanoDome at Temple University
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